Nearly 3 years ago I opened my etsy shop with sketches including Audrey and Vogue. I have since steadily been drawing illustrations specifically to sell in my shop as art prints, cards, tags, and bookmarks. And although Audrey has been one of my top sellers I've improved my techniques since I drew her. (If I do say so myself.)
I re-drew Vogue for my twitter page and logo and now I've decided to re-draw Audrey, a new and improved Audrey if you will. I started off by simply re-drawing her, but then thought I'd add a lace applique. Once I started I couldn't stop! I first tried one band, then covered the entire skirt, then decided maybe the top could use some as well. (I scanned her after each addition in case I hated the outcome.) I'm not sure which one to choose for the shop. As you know I'm the queen of procrastination when it comes to decisions for myself!
I'm leaning towards the last one, with all the lace, maybe leave the all white dress for the original Audrey. . .But then again I like the one with the single band of lace as well. We shall see. I'll let you when I list the new Audrey and new Vogue, until then a bunch of my "oldies" are on sale, get em till they're all gone.